Dr. August Hergesheimer
Ph.D / Nutritional Scientist / Abios Co., Ltd Founder & CEO / Anti-Ageing Specialist / Author / Whole Food Supplement Manufacturer / Personal Nutritional Counseling
Find Your Element Workshop is a 12-week, creative evening program that takes participants on a step by step journey of self-awareness and real-life results. The series is designed to help participants break free of inner limitations, find lessons in unexpected ways and create a space for growth and abundance to maximize your potential. The in-person, cozy atmosphere allows for all to connect with extraordinary Leaders as well as other like-minded individuals in ways that have never been done to transform you to live your Element.
Our vision is comprised of two components: 1. Self-discovery facilitated by trained life coaches/facilitators and 2. Inspirational Leader workshops led by top experts in their Elements to share their secrets so we can embrace challenges in life. In the initial “Grounding” series, FYE Leaders will provide you with tools and exercises necessary to explore, identify and fulfill your Element. You will develop a truly valuable sense of self-awareness to create a solid base in order to live your Element based on what you discover. In the latter “Inspirational” series, FYE Leaders will inspire you and share their secrets to how they found their Elements, to support you in realizing yours. All Leaders are committed to supporting you to muster the necessary courage and skills so you can live your Element starting now!
*Note: our 12-week Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation Program has been incorporated into the Workshop programs beginning in 2017. Meditation is a proven way to enhance your Element by developing greater self-awareness, wisdom and compassion – relevant for all of us on the path of life. This practice is an important addition to the skills you will acquire in the Workshop and when practiced on a daily basis, it will help cope with life’s stress, anxiety, pain, and illness which may at times get you down.
Our Mission /
Our community consists of curious, open-minded, motivated individuals who are ready to acquire important life lessons that are not taught in school and most often, not even at home, to be extraordinary. We are committed to making your journey of life absolutely unforgettable and insanely exciting, to live out your Element. We are here to support and cheer you on, to hold space for you without judgment so you can find the Element in you to shine! When you see your Element, you will not only feel an abundance of love for yourself and others but will also want to share all that you can, to live a life of passion and meaning.
Our Values /
Inner Discovery
Connection to Self and the World
Embrace Challenges
Honor Core Values
Find Your Element
Realize Your Full Potential
Be Extraordinary
Have lots of fun!!!