Jeffrey Allen
Over the past 10 years, Jeffrey has taught millions of people how to harness the power of their own energy – to improve their relationships, health, career, and personal life. He believes personal and global consciousness is a key factor in determining how our world evolves. He loves technology & business for the amazing leverage they provide. Yet, in Jeffrey’s mind, it’s our consciousness that determines how we use this leverage – to help or to harm.
Early in life, Jeffrey showed unusual talent for math, visualization, teaching, and technology. At age 14, he taught his first class – a semester-long computer training. By high school, he was engaged in scientific research with high performance computing centers at the Institute for Computational Studies and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. After earning two Bachelor of Science degrees in Computer Science and Mathematics, Jeffrey spent 15 years in a successful software engineering career – innovating technologies at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, several startup companies, and Sun Microsystems. His focus was on improving the interaction between people and computers, leveraging the power of computers to improve people’s jobs and lives.
In his early 20s, Jeffrey also began having paranormal experiences with telepathy, clairvoyance, channeling, and energy healing. Although these experiences didn’t fit easily into his scientific mindset, he could not ignore them. In a search for deeper understanding, Jeffrey began studying metaphysics and the paranormal.
By 1996, Jeffrey found Psychic Horizons Center in Boulder, Colorado, where he completed clairvoyant training, teachers certification, and many graduate clairvoyant programs. Jeffrey later served on the board of directors for the school as was ordained as a Suffragan Bishop of the Church of Inner Light.
For over a decade, Jeffrey apprenticed with leading psychics, healers, and mediums in the United States. In addition to extensive clairvoyant training, Jeffrey completed a three year Mediumship training with John Fulton at Aesclepion Healing Center, a two year Alchemy training with Jim Self of Avalon, and a three year Advanced Healing apprenticeship with Michael Tamura of Seraphim, Mt. Shasta. Also trained as an emissary for renowned scientist Nassim Haramein of the Resonance Project, Jeffrey combines cutting edge physics with his understanding of the human energy field.
In 2003, Jeffrey co-founded Spirit 2 Spirit Communications, a company dedicated to teaching practical applications of energy awareness. Jeffrey’s teaching extended overseas in 2005, into Uganda, Africa, where he taught graduate clairvoyant and channeling classes. These teaching experiences inspired Jeffrey to release completely from his engineering career, to focus his full-time attention on spiritual teaching and healing programs. After moving to Sedona, AZ, Jeffrey’s healing and teaching practice continued to expand, spreading in the US, France, Switzerland, and Japan.
In 2010, Jeffrey married his lovely wife and talented healer, Hisami Reiko, and relocated to Tokyo, Japan, where he founded and ran a clairvoyant and mediumship training school from 2010-2014. Jeffrey also continued to work internationally, with private students and healing clients around the world.
In 2014, Jeffrey began collaborating with Mindvalley – one of the world’s leading companies in online training for personal development. His first training program with Mindvalley was a big success – and still maintains one of the highest customer happiness ratings.
Today, Jeffrey continues to offer energy awareness training and self-healing programs, combining his many skills and vast knowledge to offer a light-hearted, fun, and effective path to increased personal awakening.
As a “Find Your Element” Leader, Jeff will deliver a 90-minute Workshop on “Learn to See, Feel & Use Energy.”
<Official Sites>
- 10/26/2016: “Learn to See, Feel & Use Energy”